Adult & Child Physical Exams Boulder, CO

Doctor giving an adult physical exam Boulder CO
Child physical exam Boulder CO

It's Time to Stay on Top of Your Health

Physicals are medical exams that check your vision, hearing, and overall health. It’s also the opportunity for you to discuss your medical, social, and family history with your doctor.

What Does a Physical Entail?

Physical examinations cover a wide range of examinations. The process is similar for both adults and children. Here’s what you can expect when you schedule a physical:

  • Vision and hearing checks
  • Screening
  • Lab tests
  • Medical discussions
  • Vaccinations
  • Vital signs
  • Gender-specific exams

A quick observation of your appearance may be done to assess your health. Physicals will take a look at different parts of the body, including the skin, head, lungs, heart, and muscles.

Apart from noticeable physical conditions, doctors also screen for depression and anxiety. Some people suffering from these mental disorders may not be aware of it, or they don’t have a solution. A physical will open opportunities to prevent and treat any mental health problems patients are experiencing.

Schedule a physical exam in Boulder at Crossroads Medical Center today to learn more about your health and how you can improve it.

We'll Make it Easy!
What You Should Know About Getting a Physical Exam in Boulder, CO

Why Do I Need a Physical?

One of the most common reasons for a physical is to get an overview of your health. Here are some other reasons why you may need to get a physical exam in Boulder: Summer camp, Sports (all levels), DOT Requirements, and Employment. Our team at Crossroads Medical Center is ready to provide the physicals you need. Knowing you are in good health can lessen stress and assure you that you are free from illness.

The Benefits of Physicals

Physicals are the first step to detecting and preventing issues that could affect your daily life. We can discover diseases at their early stages and prevent them from getting worse. Physical examinations are also a way for you to assess your lifestyle. Doctors may recommend some different habits you could adopt to improve overall health. We want you to feel comfortable during your physicals, and you can talk to your doctors about any concerns. Our team wants to help you stay at ease while performing the examination. We’ll never recommend any treatment that isn’t necessary for your health.

We Also Do DOT Physicals

For those who want to get a job driving commercial cars, the Department of Transportation will require you to get a physical. It’s a way to determine if you are ready for the job by examining your physical and mental states. Most of the tests and questions are standard, though there will be additional tests to check for any issues with sleep apnea.

Preparing for Your Physical Exam

As a part of your preparation, you should complete any necessary forms from the doctor. If your physical is required by an employer or institution, have those documents ready to make it easier for the physician to fill out the information. If you’ve had any recent testing done, bring those results as well. You also need to list any medications you’ve taken. If you or your child experiences any symptoms, write them down, so you can relay them to the doctor during your physical. Do not leave out any details as any information can reveal more about your condition to help the doctor determine treatment.

Most Insurance Accepted

We Provide Physical Examinations & More

Outside of physicals, we also provide sports and travel examinations and vaccines.  However, we do not provide routine care for children under age 5.

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Contact Us to Schedule Your Next Exam

2760 29th St. Ste 2B Boulder, CO 80301

Phone: (303) 444-6400

Fax: (303) 444-6465